Inquire into meaning of "keeping" in your mind. What does it mean to you?
I mean, when we want to keep something, it means we spend the energy, it takes effort. When we spend energy to keep something, maybe it does not belong to us. The dream is not about keeping and future. It's about how you live now.
For sure it brings responsibility, acting and goal setting. It is practical or as you expressed generative.
But, let me reframe my question: What is behind the scene that lets us keep our dreams?
Inquire into meaning of "keeping" in your mind. What does it mean to you?
I mean, when we want to keep something, it means we spend the energy, it takes effort. When we spend energy to keep something, maybe it does not belong to us. The dream is not about keeping and future. It's about how you live now.
But, how we could keep our dreams every morning without being hopeful about them?
Or in other words, probably, dreams are imaginations for a better situation in the feature, and hope is creating that image.
So, what do you think?
Read this post. It can help about definition of hope.